Despite the 33 degrees heat and the stormy weather that triggered the Typhoon category 1 warning, the games went on as planned on the evening of 17th September at the Kowloon Cricket Club. All the individual ties were won and lost convincingly save for the tie between the ladies which had us on the edge of our seats. The 5 setter between Gillian and Angie was probably the match of the evening. But I think most of us earned the well deserved dinner after the games.

The scores of the games are as follows:

  • Mens #1 Oma Koppe beat Drew Sheppard 4-9,9-6,9-7,9-6 ( SQ wins 3-1)
  • Mens #2 Jason Waldie beat Eric Phuah 9-5,9-2,9-4 (CX wins 3-0)
  • Mens #3 Jeremy Lee beat Richard Haley 4-9,9-7,9-3,9-5 (SQ wins 3-1)
  • Mens #4 Felix Chen beat Chris Hulley 9-2,9-6,9-2 (SQ wins 3-0)
  • Mens #5 Ronnie Osmund beat Eric Yeow 9-3,9-4,9-1 (CX wins 3-0)
  • Ladies #1 Ange Dickinson beat Gillian Chew 2-9,9-4,5-9,10-8,9-4 (CX wins 3-2)
  • Final Score CX 3 SQ 3

As you would have guess from the beer in Angie's hands, this picture was taken after the games....or was it before?

From Left to Right: Richard Haley,Jaason Waldie, Rodney Ee, Eric Yeow, Felix Chen, Gillian Chew, Dennis Poon, Ange Dickinson, Eric Phuah, Jeremy Lee, Ronnie Osmund, Oma Koppe, Drew Sheppard.

Felix and Chris during their turn to try and keep the ball warm in the Mens #4 game.

Eric Yeow and Ronnie Osmund during their battle for the Mens #5 game.

Eric Yeow & Ronnie Osmund....well done chaps. You earned your dinner.

Gillian vs of the evening.

Game Over....and let's not let the beer get warm while we cool off.

Rodney Ee vs Dennis Poon

Oma Koppe and Drew Sheppard in the Mens #1 game.

The trophy stays in Hong Kong.....for now. No point lugging it all the way back.

The two teams' convenors seem to be happy with the result.

Thanks for hosting us in Hong Kong guys. Great job and great food.

Ahhh...the all important Roast Goose in Hong Kong. If only they had offered me a whole goose to myself. I might have been tempted to throw my game in their favor.

Food and more food...

Felix Chen & Dennis Poon