This site will no longer be updated with effect 13 June 2007. All the latest news can be found at our new Blog at http://siasquash.blogspot.com

See you there.

Jeremy[13 Jun 2007]

World Airline Squash Tournament 2008 - Dubai

We have just received the official invitation from the Emirates Team for this year's WAST. It will be held from the 14th to the 21st of October. More information will be sent by email to those who are interested.

Jeremy[11 Jun 2007]

Our New Courts Are Ready For Play!
The new courts are finally ready for play. We have since played a the last few league matches at the new courts, our opponents were full of praise for the new courts.

The new arrangement for usage of courts for Club Players are as follows:

Tuesday & Friday 4-8 pm
Sunday 3-6 pm

One court will be made available to club players for training. The second court can use used if it is not booked by club members.

Club Players who would like to book the courts at any other time will pay 50% of the prevailing rates for club members. Current booking rates are $3/$5 + GST for peak/off peak booking.

Jeremy[11 Jun 2007]

SSRA National Squash League (NSL) 2007
The SSRA NSL League Season has finally come to a close. Frank and myself would like to thank all those who came forward to participate in this years league. We hope that you will be there for us again next year. Hopefully we can do better than we did this year. Anyone who is keen in taking part in the NSL league can contact myself or Frank. Most likely we will be fielding a D and F team again next year.

Jeremy[11 Jun 2007]

SSRA National Squash League (NSL) 2007 - Frank Foo is looking for more soldiers to fill his ranks in the F grade team this year. Anyone who is a member of the SIA Group Sports Club can play for the team. Please contact Frank by email at thefoosfamily@yahoo.com

SSRA is trying to reintroduce the Novice grade in the NSL this year. Our team will be registered in the Novice grade as most of our players are not graded. If there are insufficient teams to form a Novice grade league, SSRA will place the teams in the F grade.

There was a time when playing against the SIA team in the SSRA league would send some shivers down the spines of our opponents, but right now we are just trying to revive the sport within the sports club. So Frank's team would welcome any player that is keen on improving his own game by playing more frequently during our training days and the league match days.

Closing date for registration for NSL teams is 31 Jan 07.

The SSRA grading committee has approved of the downgrade of several of our players from the C grade to the D grade. As such, we have sufficient numbers to form a D grade team as well this year. The current line up is as follows :

D1 - Felix Chen
D1 - Ng Eng Kiat
D1 - Jeremy Lee
D2 - Eric Yeow
D2 - Hing Chong Meng
D2 - Chew Choo Poh
E1 - Kalidas Periayah

Jeremy[01 Jan 2007]

SQ vs CQ update - We are forming a team to host the CX team at our club on the 29th of June 2007. We are just waiting for CX to confirm that they have a team available to make the trip to Singapore on the 25th.

SQ Team
Oma Koppe
Eric Phuah
Frank Foo
Millie Moy

Anyone available on the 25th of June, please drop me an email.

Jeremy[11 June 2007]

Sports Club Update

Work on the Squash courts will commence in about a weeks time with the target date for completion of the rectification works some time in January. This was announced by Mr Michael Goh at last night's interhouse games reception at the SIA Sports Club.

The works will see the court's vertical clearance above the 'out of play line' on the front face of the court raised to 3.5 feet, which is the minimum requirement for the official dimensions of a squash court.

Hopefully by January, we can get back to having regular block bookings for team training like we used to have before and our squash players can have a place to meet regularly for games, unlike now where most of us are like a bunch of lordless ronin roaming the land looking for punishment.

We will most probably look for a day to officially open squash courts and see who hits the first ball into the nick.

Due to the rainy season, work on the courts has been delayed. The courts will not be ready till end March.

Jeremy[24 Jan 2007]

SIA beat Cathay Pacific in the finals to win the 21st World Airlines Squash Tournament held in London from th 18th-22nd of September'06.

This is our 3rd title win in the tournament, the last one 14 years ago when we won the title in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea in 1992. Our other title win was in Singapore in 1991.

Jeremy & Eric Phuah [27 Sep 2006]

A morale boosting 7-0 win for the SIA team against Singapore Swimming Club just one week before leaving for the World Airline Squash Tournament in London on the 16th of September.

Jeremy & Eric Phuah [10 Sep 2006]

Congratulations to our Squash Team that beat their Chinese Swimming Club counterparts by a score of 4-3 in the annual bilateral games. It is our first win against CSC in 9 attempts.A lot of people were surprised during the presentation dinner that squash won. With our win, SIA managed to beat CSC with an overall score of 5-3( we also won bowling, tennis, golf, soccer but lost table tennis, badminton and one other sports).

Special mention goes to the ladies who helped tip the scale in our favour by winning their matches. Hopefully they will be able to do the same magic in the upcoming World Airlines Squash Tournament held in London in September.

Next bilateral games is 10th september against Singapore Swimming Club.

Jeremy & Eric Phuah [23 Aug 2006]

Thanks to Colin we have a F Grade League Team to field in SSRA's National Squash League this year.


We are looking forward to the start of the season which is expected to kick off sometime in mid March and last till July.


Our main aim this year is to get together a group of novices, rusty former active players, as well as those who are looking to take their own personal game to a higher level together. The tough part is, as always, to have the minimum of 4 players around on match days. This has been a perenial problem for SQ since most of our squash players are flying crew....and kiah su opponent teams are never keen on accomodating us by playing on alternative dates so that we have a chance to field a decent team.

We hope to introduce our fledgling team to 'unfriendly' squash and hopefully more than a few would stay on for next year's challenge to improve in our position in the league. Meanwhile the search still goes on for players to join the team who are among the ground staff, so that we have a more stable pool of players to field during the match days.


Progress of our NSL team will be updated here.


Once again, great work Colin. We will support you whenever we can with training. In fact if we can get more than 2 courts for the tournament days, our A, C and D grade players can come down and have a game and at the same time provide tactical advice to the F grade team during their games.


We have yet to settle the location of the home courts as our own courts in sports club are not usable for competition. Sports club is looking at using Kallang, Safra or Singapore Swimming Club as our home courts.

Playes representing the airline are as follows:


  • Mohd Rizal [Cabin Crew]
  • Oma Koppe [Cabin Crew]
  • Eric Phuah [Flight Ops]
  • Jeremy Lee [Flight Ops]
  • Lenz Fan [Cabin Crew]
  • Eric Yeow [Flight Ops]


  • Millie Moy [Customer Affairs]
  • Vicki Woo [Cabin Crew]
  • Wendy Quah [Finance]

    SIA Sports Club - Singapore Swimming Club Bilateral Games

    Sunday 30th October 3.00pm at Singapore Swimming Club

    Special thanks to Michael Goh and Harold Ang for helping the squash team out after playing badminton

    SIA Squash Ladder Rules & Regulations


    1. A player interested in participating in the ladder can SMS his Name, Handphone number to  +6596229889.


    1. The players will decide the venue and time of play among themselves.


    1. All games will be best of 5 sets, British scoring.


    1. The winner of a challenge will promoted to the position of the player that he has beaten in the challenge. Consequently, all the rest of the player below will be pushed one position down the ladder.


    1. If any dispute arises, the games will be replayed and refereed by a third player from the ladder.


    1. Scores are to be SMSed immediately after the game to  +6596229889


    1. The latest ladder ranking can be viewed at http://siasquash.tripod.com


    1. Players are encouraged to subscribe to the mailing list at http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/SIASquash/ for updates with regards to the ladder.


    1. Players who are not from the SIA Group may take part in the ladder by invitation only. Interested players may contact the administrator by SMS to +65 96229889


    Overseas Based Players


    Only overseas based players that are within the SIA Group may take part in the ladder.

    Their position on the ladder will be updated when they successfully beat a player that is current on the ladder. However they will not occupy a number on the ladder.